Significance of Cognitive function

Cognitive function encompasses a variety of mental processes involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension, such as memory, attention, reasoning, and decision-making. Different philosophical and scientific perspectives explore cognitive function, highlighting its importance in personal development and daily living. For instance, in Vaishnavism, cognitive function aims for divine enlightenment, while science emphasizes its role in learning and memory, which can be influenced by factors like nutrition and health conditions. Understanding these diverse views can help enhance cognitive abilities.

Synonyms: Mental capacity, Cognitive ability, Mental function, Intellectual function, Brain function, Reasoning ability, Cognitive performance, Intellectual ability, Cognitive abilities, Mental processes

In Dutch: Cognitieve functie; In German: Kognitive Funktion; In Finnish: Kognitiivinen toiminto; In Spanish: Función cognitiva

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Cognitive function'

Hindu concept of 'Cognitive function'

The concept of Cognitive function in scientific sources

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