Significance of Cognitive capacity

Cognitive capacity is defined across various perspectives. In Tibetan Buddhism, it pertains to the potential of word-sound to generate cognitions and the individual’s inherent ability to understand diverse meanings. Vedanta emphasizes intellectual ability as a determinant of understanding complex ideas. From a scientific standpoint, cognitive capacity refers to an individual's ability to acquire, process, and utilize knowledge, typically assessed through IQ tests. Each viewpoint highlights different aspects of how individuals interact with knowledge and understanding.

Synonyms: Mental capacity, Cognitive ability, Intellectual capacity, Cognitive function, Cognitive skills, Intellectual ability

In Dutch: Cognitieve capaciteit; In Finnish: Kognitiivinen kapasiteetti; In Spanish: Capacidad cognitiva

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Cognitive capacity'

Hindu concept of 'Cognitive capacity'

The concept of Cognitive capacity in scientific sources

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