Significance of Clinical trial
A clinical trial is a systematic investigation conducted with human participants aimed at evaluating the safety, efficacy, and potential adverse effects of new medical treatments. These trials comprise a variety of studies assessing treatments for different conditions, including drugs, herbal medicines, and therapeutic techniques. Clinical trials are essential for establishing the effectiveness and safety of interventions, ensuring new treatments meet regulatory standards prior to widespread use. They play a crucial role in advancing medical science and patient care.
Synonyms: Research study, Experimental study, Clinical study, Study, Experimentation, Investigation, Assessment
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The concept of Clinical trial in scientific sources
Clinical trials are systematic investigations assessing the safety and efficacy of medical treatments, such as Madhutailika Basti and Panchakarma procedures, as well as interventions for mental adjustment disorders involving participant research.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A research study conducted to test and evaluate the effectiveness of medical treatments, such as Jaloukavacharan and conventional methods.[1] (2) Research studies conducted to assess the effectiveness of treatments in human subjects.[2] (3) Further studies, including clinical trials, are suggested to confirm DDC's efficacy.[3] (4) Research studies performed on human participants to evaluate the efficacy and safety of new treatments or drugs.[4] (5) Clinical trials are research studies performed on human participants aimed at evaluating medical interventions' efficacy and safety.[5]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Research studies conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of Shirishadi Yoga for its hepatoprotective potential against acetaminophen-induced damage.[6] (2) Research studies conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatments, including formulations like Shirishadi Yoga for liver protection in humans.[7] (3) A research study conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the selected indigenous Ayurvedic drug on diagnosed cases of BPH.[8] (4) Research studies conducted with human participants that evaluate the safety and efficacy of medical strategies, interventions, or devices.[9] (5) A research study conducted with patients to evaluate the efficacy of a specific treatment or intervention, such as Pipplyadi Nasya for Kaphaj Pratishyayay.[10]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) A prospective, randomized study designed to evaluate the efficacy of Kantakari Avaleha and Kantakari Avaleha granules in treating bronchial asthma.[11] (2) A research study conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of a medical intervention in human subjects.[12] (3) Research studies conducted with human participants to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new medical interventions or treatments.[13] (4) A research study conducted to evaluate the effects of Saubhagyanandana Ghrita and Jeevaniya Churna on endometrial thickness.[14] (5) Research studies designed to determine the role of treatment protocols based on individual patient requirements.[15]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) Research studies conducted with patients that are designed to evaluate new treatments and therapies in oncology.[16] (2) A research study that tests the effects and safety of a medical intervention on human participants to determine its efficacy.[17] (3) A systematic investigation conducted to assess the safety and efficacy of Jatamansi Oil in clinical settings.[18] (4) Research studies performed on human participants to evaluate the effects and efficacy of medical interventions like yoga on conditions such as hypothyroidism.[19] (5) Studies, both non-randomized and randomized controlled trials (RCTs), assessed for their effects on hypertension through Yoga Nidra.[20]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Scientific studies conducted to evaluate new drugs and treatments for safety and efficacy, overseen by regulations outlined in the Drugs and Cosmetic Act.[21] (2) Research studies conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of treatment modalities like Ksheera Basti, based on modern medical standards.[22] (3) Research studies that test the effects and safety of medical strategies, interventions, and therapies on human participants; mentioned as a gap for future research regarding Aqarqarha.[23] (4) A formal study evaluating the effectiveness of specific treatments or interventions for AVD, critical for establishing best practices in management.[24] (5) Research studies performed to evaluate the effectiveness of medical, surgical, or behavioral interventions.[25]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) Research studies conducted to evaluate the efficacy of medical treatments or techniques in a systematic manner.[26] (2) Research studies that involve people and are designed to evaluate the effects of medical, surgical, or behavioral interventions.[27] (3) A research study aimed at evaluating the effects and outcomes of a treatment—in this case, the effect of SRP on salivary melatonin levels.[28] (4) A research study conducted with human participants aimed at evaluating the effects and efficacy of medical interventions.[29] (5) Research studies conducted to test the efficacy and safety of treatments or interventions in humans.[30]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) A research study designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the Medhya Rasayana therapy in patients with anxiety neurosis.[31] (2) A study conducted to evaluate the effects of Puskara Guggulu on patients with ischaemic heart disease over four months.[32] (3) Research studies conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatments for diabetes, including herbal medications.[33] (4) A clinical trial is a scientific study conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of specific treatments or drugs, in this case, regarding the use of indigenous drugs to treat helminthiasis.[34] (5) A research study involving human participants designed to evaluate the effects of specific interventions on health outcomes.[35]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) A research study conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a therapeutic intervention in a controlled setting.[36] (2) A systematic investigation designed to evaluate the effects of a particular therapy or intervention in a controlled environment, often crucial for establishing efficacy in treatments.[37] (3) Research studies investigating the outcomes and efficacy of various Kshara applications in treating Arsha (hemorrhoids).[38] (4) A research study conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medical interventions, in this case, involving children with kaphaja kasa.[39] (5) A research study in which participants receive specific interventions according to a formal plan to evaluate health outcomes.[40]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) Research studies that test the efficacy and safety of medications, devices, diagnostic products, and treatment regimens.[41] (2) Research studies performed on patients to evaluate a medical, surgical, or behavioral intervention.[42] (3) Research studies that evaluate the safety and effectiveness of MSCs in human patients, often facing challenges due to variability in results.[43] (4) Research studies performed to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of medical activities, treatments, or devices.[44] (5) Research studies involving potential drugs and vaccines for COVID-19, currently being conducted to find effective treatments.[45]