Significance of Clinical Practice

Clinical practice encompasses the practical application of medical knowledge and techniques for patient care across various healthcare settings. It integrates methodologies from historical texts like the Caraka Samhita in Ayurveda, alongside modern medical practices. This involves diagnosing and treating patients using evidence-based approaches and addressing real-world health conditions. Clinical practice also emphasizes the need for proper documentation and integration of diverse health systems to enhance patient outcomes while ensuring safety and efficacy in medical interventions.

Synonyms: Medical practice, Healthcare practice, Clinical care, Patient care, Medical procedure, Clinical work, Medical treatment

In Dutch: Klinische praktijk; In German: Klinische Praxis; In Finnish: Kliininen käytäntö; In Spanish: Práctica clínica

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Hindu concept of 'Clinical Practice'

The concept of Clinical Practice in local and regional sources

The concept of Clinical Practice in scientific sources

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