Significance of Clinical examination

Clinical examination refers to the systematic assessment performed by healthcare professionals to diagnose and treat a patient's condition through observation, palpation, and medical history. This thorough evaluation is essential for identifying physical signs of various health issues, from internal diseases to dental conditions. It encompasses various approaches, including inspecting wounds, assessing symptoms like swollen gums, and examining specific areas like the oral cavity or skin, ensuring that a comprehensive understanding of the patient's health is achieved for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

Synonyms: Physical examination, Medical examination, Health assessment, Clinical assessment, Patient evaluation, Medical assessment, Health checkup, Medical evaluation

In Dutch: Klinisch onderzoek; In German: Klinische Untersuchung; In Finnish: Kliininen tutkimus; In Spanish: Examen clínico

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Hindu concept of 'Clinical examination'

The concept of Clinical examination in local and regional sources

The concept of Clinical examination in scientific sources

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