Significance of Chief of men

In the context of Jainism, the term Chief of men encompasses various titles ascribed primarily to figures like Rama, emphasizing their noble character, leadership qualities, and revered status in society. It signifies respect and admiration, representing individuals with exceptional abilities, such as King Janaka and Bhima. Similarly, in the Theravada tradition, it refers to the Buddha, highlighting his wisdom. Collectively, the Chief of men denotes a prestigious title acknowledging exceptional leaders throughout different cultural narratives.

Synonyms: Leader, Captain, Head, Ruler, Chief, Overseer, Principal, Authority

In Dutch: Leider van de mannen; In German: Häuptling der Männer; In Finnish: Miesten päällikkö; In Spanish: Jefe de hombres

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Chief of men'

Hindu concept of 'Chief of men'

Jain concept of 'Chief of men'

The concept of Chief of men in local and regional sources

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