Significance of Character

Character is a multifaceted concept that varies across different philosophical and artistic traditions. In Vaishnavism, it encompasses the qualities that define an individual's behavior. Natyashastra views character as central to drama, categorizing them by role and significance to the narrative. Vedanta emphasizes personal qualities and ethics, while Theravada focuses on individual traits as understood in Buddhism. Historically in India, character reflects moral and ethical qualities vital for social justice and authority, representing the intrinsic wealth of the nation.1
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Synonyms: Personality, Nature, Role, Trait, Quality, Essence, Character trait, Individual, Disposition, Temperament, Identity, Part

In Dutch: Karakter; In German: Charakter; In Finnish: Merkki; In Spanish: Personaje

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Character'

Hindu concept of 'Character'

The concept of Character in local and regional sources

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