Significance of Character
Synonyms: Personality, Nature, Role, Trait, Quality, Essence, Character trait, Individual, Disposition, Temperament, Identity, Part
In Dutch: Karakter; In German: Charakter; In Finnish: Merkki; In Spanish: Personaje
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Character'
In Buddhism, Character embodies an individual's distinct traits and tendencies, referred to as nama. This concept emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s inherent nature in the context of spiritual development and personal growth.
From: Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
(1) The specific quality or nature of the subject being discussed, particularly in philosophical and logical arguments.[1] (2) The essential qualities or attributes that define something's nature, particularly in the context of philosophical discussion.[2]
From: Abhidhamma in Daily Life
(1) The unique traits and tendencies of an individual, understood in Buddhist teachings as nama.[3]
Hindu concept of 'Character'
In Hinduism, Character encompasses personal qualities and ethical behavior, defining respect in society. It also refers to integral figures in dramas, influencing narratives through various roles while embodying diverse themes, emotions, and conflicts.
From: Dasarupaka (critical study)
(1) Characters are the central figures in a drama, with Dhananjaya categorizing them into roles based on their social standing and narrative significance.[4] (2) The individuals in the drama who perform various roles, such as Sutradhara, Nati, and characters that engage in different types of speech and action during the performance.[5] (3) Characters are integral figures within the drama who drive the plot and embody various themes, emotions, and conflicts.[6] (4) The individuals who perform in the drama, playing various roles including stage manager, establisher, and others.[7] (5) Individuals in the dramas that play various roles, influencing the narrative and themes.[8]
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The set of qualities or traits that define the nature and behavior of an individual.[9]
From: Chandogya Upanishad (english Translation)
(1) The personal qualities and ethical behavior of the individual that contribute to their overall respect and admiration in society.[10]
The concept of Character in local and regional sources
Character encompasses the moral and ethical traits of individuals, essential for authority and social justice, while also representing the intrinsic qualities seen as a nation's greatest asset and wealth.
From: Triveni Journal
(1) The intrinsic quality of individuals which is deemed the greatest wealth of the nation.[11] (2) The moral and ethical qualities of individuals, viewed as fundamental to establishing authority and social justice.[12]