Significance of Celestial throne
The Celestial throne, as described in the Purana, serves two significant purposes. Firstly, it represents symbolic seats crafted from jewels for the Yadavas, highlighting their elevated status. Secondly, it is depicted as a miraculous throne that emerges from the earth, symbolizing the divine honor granted to Sita by the Goddess Dharani. This dual representation emphasizes both the material and spiritual significance of the Celestial throne within the cultural context.
Synonyms: Heavenly seat, Divine throne, Ethereal seat
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Hindu concept of 'Celestial throne'
In Hinduism, the Celestial throne symbolizes both the opulent seats of the Yadavas, reflecting their elevated status, and a divine throne emerging from the earth, representing honors given to Sita by Goddess Dharani.
From: Ramayana of Valmiki
(1) A miraculous throne that rises from the earth, signifying divinity and honor bestowed upon Sita by the Goddess Dharani.[1]
From: Harivamsha Purana
(1) Symbolic seats made of jewels where the Yadavas gathered, illustrating their status.[2]