Significance of Case report
A case report is a detailed account that documents the diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of individual patients. It typically includes comprehensive information about a specific patient's medical history, treatment plans, and recovery processes. These reports are essential in illustrating clinical complications and evaluating the effectiveness of proposed management strategies. They contribute valuable insights and evidence in medical literature, enhancing our understanding of both common and rare health conditions through careful documentation and analysis of unique patient experiences.
Synonyms: Clinical report, Case study, Diagnostic report
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The concept of Case report in scientific sources
A Case report is a comprehensive documentation of a patient's medical history, treatment outcomes, and unique conditions, showcasing detailed findings like rare heart anatomy variations and sciatic nerve divisions, enriching medical literature and understanding.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) An account of a medical case used to document and share findings, treatments, and outcomes related to a specific patient.[1] (2) A detailed presentation of a single patient's medical case that provides insights into diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.[2] (3) A detailed account of a singular patient instance, focusing on diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes, contributing to medical knowledge.[3] (4) A case report is a detailed account of a patient's case, treatments, and outcomes, used to document and support medical findings.[4] (5) Detailed accounts of individual cases of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome caused by different medications, used to identify risks and patterns.[5]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) A detailed account of a specific patient's treatment and clinical outcome used to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness of a proposed management strategy.[6] (2) A detailed report of the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient.[7] (3) A detailed account of a specific patient case used to present medical findings, treatment efficacy, and outcomes.[8] (4) A detailed account of a patient's condition, treatment, and response, used to illustrate clinical practice in medicine.[9] (5) A detailed account of a patient's medical history, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes, serving as a singular example for clinical analysis.[10]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) A detailed presentation and analysis of a singular patient's medical history and treatment outcomes.[11] (2) A detailed presentation of a single patient's clinical history, treatment, and outcome, primarily to educate on medical practices.[12] (3) Detailed accounts of specific cases, often used for study and education in the medical field.[13] (4) A documented account of a single patient's experience and treatment with Gandhak Rasayana for Karnasrava.[14] (5) A detailed account of the clinical presentation, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome of a single patient, often used in medical literature to share insights with the medical community.[15]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) A detailed report of a specific patient's case used to illustrate the effectiveness of a certain treatment or therapeutic approach.[16] (2) A detailed account of the medical history and findings related to individual patients, used in this study to demonstrate the correlation between facial diagnosis and meridians.[17] (3) A detailed account of a single patient case, documenting the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes in the context of Ayurveda.[18] (4) A detailed account documenting the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of a specific patient with palmoplantar keratoderma.[19] (5) A detailed account of a single patient's medical history, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes, often used to illustrate clinical practices and findings.[20]
From: Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology
(1) A detailed account of a specific patient's clinical history, treatment, and outcomes, used to illustrate particular medical cases.[21] (2) A detailed report of a specific patient case, used to highlight unusual or new occurrences, such as atypical fibrosarcoma.[22] (3) Case reports are detailed accounts of the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient, often highlighting unique medical cases.[23] (4) Documented instances of specific patient experiences or clinical findings used to support hypotheses regarding conditions like alopecia areata and periodontitis.[24] (5) Published documents detailing specific cases of plasma cell gingivitis, contributing to the overall understanding of the condition.[25]
From: The Malaysian Journal of Medical Sciences
(1) Detailed accounts of individual criminal cases illustrating the application of forensic DNA profiling and its effectiveness in solving crimes.[26] (2) A detailed account of a particular instance of human fascioliasis, highlighting atypical clinical presentations to improve disease recognition.[27] (3) A detailed account of a single patient’s medical case, often used to share experiences and treatments.[28] (4) A type of manuscript presenting detailed reports of particular cases, making up a significant portion of submissions to the MJMS.[29] (5) A detailed report of the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient, highlighting the unusual occurrence of Kimura's disease in a child.[30]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) An account of a specific patient's treatment journey, including symptoms, diagnosis, and response to therapeutic interventions.[31] (2) Detailed documentation of an individual patient's case, including their health issues, treatment plans, and outcomes.[32] (3) A detailed document highlighting an individual patient's condition and the observed effects of the treatment applied—in this case, the use of Triphala decoction.[33] (4) A detailed documentation of a single patient’s medical history, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes.[34] (5) A case report presents clinical information about a single patient and their treatment, demonstrating the efficacy of the therapies used in managing hair fall.[35]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) A detailed narrative of an individual patient's experience with diabetes and treatment using Arani, highlighting its effectiveness.[36] (2) A detailed description of the medical history and treatment of an individual patient, emphasizing unique aspects or findings.[37] (3) A detailed account of the treatment and outcomes of a single patient, used to highlight specific clinical observations.[38]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) Detailed accounts of five instances of dermatitis resulting from exposure to Bhallataka fruit in various processing stages.[39] (2) A detailed account of a specific patient's medical case, highlighting treatment and outcomes.[40]