Significance of Brilliance

Brilliance in various contexts signifies a radiant quality and exceptional attributes. In Jainism, it denotes the shining characteristics of celestial bodies like the sun and moon. Purana emphasizes brilliance as a divine attribute linked to power and intelligence. In Natyashastra, it refers to cleverness in conveying unexpected meanings and exceptional intellect. Dharmashastra connects brilliance to successful rituals, spiritual luminosity, and enlightenment. Additionally, in Indian history, brilliance signifies magnificence, exemplified by the Triveni. Overall, brilliance embodies qualities of light, intelligence, and divinity throughout these traditions.

Synonyms: Genius, Intelligence, Brightness, Radiance, Excellence, Luminosity, Clarity, Cleverness, Magnificence

In Dutch: Schittering; In German: Brillanz; In Finnish: Loisto; In Spanish: Brillantez

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Brilliance'

Jain concept of 'Brilliance'

The concept of Brilliance in local and regional sources

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