Significance of Breathing exercise

Breathing exercises, according to Yoga and Theravada traditions, involve controlled inhalation and exhalation aimed at enhancing mental stability and mindfulness. In Yoga, they represent just one aspect of pranayama, which encompasses broader techniques to regulate prana. Theravada emphasizes concentrating on the breath to improve mindfulness, sometimes incorporating health-related suggestions. Both traditions recognize breathing exercises as essential practices for calming the mind and improving focus and concentration.

Synonyms: Breathing technique, Deep breathing, Diaphragmatic breathing, Controlled breathing

In Dutch: Ademhalingsoefening; In German: Atemübung; In Finnish: Hengitysharjoitus; In Spanish: Ejercicio de respiración

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Breathing exercise'

Hindu concept of 'Breathing exercise'

The concept of Breathing exercise in scientific sources

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