Significance of Blissful state

The concept of Blissful state is depicted across various traditions, highlighting its essence as a condition of profound happiness and fulfillment. In Vaishnavism, it encompasses experiences of joy in spiritual love, contentment in poverty, and engagement in rituals. Purana emphasizes eternal joy through divine connection and knowledge. Vedanta describes this state as deep joy linked to the true self, while Mahayana focuses on peace and absence of suffering. Theravada associates it with meritorious actions leading to pleasant post-death realms. Overall, Blissful state signifies a transformative experience of joy and spiritual contentment.

Synonyms: Happiness, Joyfulness, Contentment, Rapture, Delight, Serenity, Nirvana, Ecstasy, Tranquility, Joy, Elation

In Dutch: Gelukzalige staat; In German: Glückseliger Zustand; In Finnish: Autuas tila; In Spanish: Estado dichoso

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Blissful state'

Hindu concept of 'Blissful state'

The concept of Blissful state in local and regional sources

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