Significance of Bliss of emancipation
Bliss of emancipation holds different interpretations in Jainism and Theravada Buddhism. In Jainism, it signifies the ultimate joy of spiritual liberation, free from worldly attachments and suffering. In contrast, Theravada describes it as a profound state of happiness experienced by the Blessed One during meditation, as well as through deep meditation and spiritual practices. In both traditions, Bliss of emancipation represents a state of profound joy and liberation attained through spiritual realization.
Synonyms: Joy of freedom, Happiness of release, Liberation, Freedom, Release, Deliverance, Independence
In Dutch: Gelukzaligheid van emancipatie; In Finnish: Emansipoinnin autuus; In Spanish: La dicha de la emancipación
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Bliss of emancipation'
The "Bliss of emancipation" in Buddhism signifies a deep state of happiness and liberation achieved through meditation and spiritual practice, exemplified by the profound joy experienced by Buddha during his seven-day meditation under the Ajapala banyan tree.
From: Vinaya (2): The Mahavagga
(1) The state of profound happiness and freedom from suffering experienced by the Buddha after achieving enlightenment.[1] (2) The profound state of happiness experienced by the Blessed One during meditation under the Rajayatana tree.[2] (3) A state of profound joy and liberation achieved through spiritual practice and realization of truth.[3] (4) A profound state of happiness and liberation that the Blessed One enjoyed during the seven days of meditation at the Ajapala banyan tree.[4]
From: Dhammapada (Illustrated)
(1) The profound sense of freedom and joy experienced by the Buddha upon attaining enlightenment at the Bodhi-tree.[5] (2) A state of profound happiness and liberation attained through deep meditation and trance.[6]
From: Apadana commentary (Atthakatha)
(1) A state of profound peace and freedom attained during the Buddha's meditative practices.[7]
Jain concept of 'Bliss of emancipation'
In Jainism, the Bliss of emancipation signifies the profound joy experienced from liberation from worldly attachments and suffering, representing the ultimate spiritual fulfillment that adherents seek to achieve.
From: Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
(1) The ultimate joy derived from spiritual liberation that the friends aspired to attain.[8] (2) A specific kind of joy that comes from liberation from worldly attachments and suffering.[9]