Significance of Blessed

The concept of "Blessed" varies across different traditions. In Jainism, it denotes the purity associated with Tirthakara and his mother. In Vaishnavism, it represents a state of fortune, devotion to Krishna, and receiving special grace from spiritual figures. Purana describes it as enlightenment or divine favor resulting from virtuous actions and rituals. Vedanta emphasizes being endowed with divine goodness, while Dharmashastra highlights receiving spiritual rewards through duty adherence. In Theravada, it reflects reverence for the Buddha's virtues.1
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Synonyms: Fortunate, Sanctified, Holy, Happy, Consecrated, Prosperous, Divine, Blissful

In Dutch: Gezegend; In German: Gesegnet; In Finnish: Siunattu; In Spanish: Bendecido

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Blessed'

Hindu concept of 'Blessed'

Jain concept of 'Blessed'

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