Significance of Belief system

The concept of belief system is explored through various lenses, including Purana, Yoga, and Science. In Purana, it is viewed as a framework of ideas that shapes individuals' understanding of the world. Yoga emphasizes that belief systems can be superficial compared to personal experiences. Science interprets belief systems as mental frameworks that can enhance healing by transforming hope and expectations into positive health outcomes. Overall, the belief system plays a crucial role across different disciplines in shaping perspectives and experiences.

Synonyms: Ideology, Philosophy, Doctrine, Faith, Principle, Conviction, Religion, Tenet

In Dutch: Geloofssysteem; In Finnish: Uskomusjärjestelmä; In Spanish: Sistema de creencias

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Belief system'

The concept of Belief system in scientific sources

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