Significance of Bad association
Bad association, as understood in both Jainism and Vaishnavism, refers to negative influences and relationships that can detrimentally affect an individual's spiritual practice and commitment to dharma or bhakti. This includes interactions with individuals or groups that promote harmful behaviors, distractions from worship, and spiritual degradation. Whether through superficial companionship or deeper enmity towards true devotees, such influences can lead sincere seekers away from their spiritual goals, undermining their connection with Krishna and unfolding their spiritual progress.
Synonyms: Negative connection, Negative correlation
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Bad association'
In Hinduism, "Bad association" signifies negative influences or relationships that deter spiritual growth, create distractions from divine love, and lead to undesirable behaviors, ultimately hindering devotion and connection with Krishna.
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) The negative influence of those who misinterpret Advaita Prabhu's relationship with Mahaprabhu, requiring purification from their presence.[1] (2) The company of individuals who are averse to divine love, which is considered detrimental to spiritual growth despite being superficially appealing.[2] (3) Influence from studying non-devotional texts, such as jnana-shastras and karma-shastras, which promote impersonal considerations and diversity in worship.[3] (4) Engagement or companionship with individuals or groups that lead one away from pure devotional practices.[4] (5) The unwanted company that leads practitioners away from Krishna, hindering their spiritual progress.[5]
From: Bhajana-Rahasya
(1) The influence of negative individuals or environments that can distract or deter one from spiritual goals.[6] (2) Association with people or influences that lead one away from pure bhakti.[7] (3) The company of people whose influence can lead to spiritual degradation.[8] (4) Jana-sanga is the term for keeping company with non-devotees or materialistic individuals, which is detrimental to spiritual progress.[9] (5) Connections that oppose bhakti, including illicit relationships and associations with non-devotees.[10]
From: Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary)
(1) The company or influence of individuals that leads to negative behavior or outcomes, as exemplified by devotees like Maharaja Bharata.[11] (2) The negative influence that should be rejected to maintain pure conduct.[12]
From: Haribhakti-sudhodaya
(1) An unfavorable influence that can lead to spiritual degradation and distraction from the path of devotion.[13]
From: Srila Gurudeva (The Supreme Treasure)
(1) The company of individuals who do not follow the path of bhakti, which can lead to negative influences.[14]
Jain concept of 'Bad association'
In Jainism, bad association signifies detrimental influences that negatively affect one's dedication to spiritual growth and adherence to dharma, highlighting the importance of nurturing positive relationships for maintaining a strong spiritual practice.
From: Trishashti Shalaka Purusha Caritra
(1) Refers to negative influences and relationships that can undermine one's commitment to spiritual practice and dharma.[15]