Significance of Ayurvedic principle
The Ayurvedic principle encompasses the foundational concepts of the traditional Indian system of medicine, emphasizing the importance of balancing the body's doshas or energies. This holistic approach guides diagnosis, treatment methodologies, and health interventions, promoting overall well-being by addressing physical and mental health. Ayurvedic principles also dictate dietary practices and the use of natural remedies to manage various health issues and maintain equilibrium within the body. Ultimately, these principles aim to restore health and prevent disease through a balanced lifestyle.
Synonyms: Holistic approach, Natural healing, Traditional medicine, Alternative therapy, Ayurvedic theory, Ayurvedic concept, Ayurvedic philosophy
In Dutch: Ayurvedisch principe; In Finnish: Ayurveda periaate; In Spanish: Principio ayurvédico
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Ayurvedic principle'
The Ayurvedic principle in Hinduism emphasizes achieving an ideal balance of body and mind, promoting spiritual well-being, alongside foundational concepts that guide disease treatment through balancing bodily constitution and using natural remedies.
From: Skanda Purana
(1) Although not explicitly mentioned in the text, refers to the ideal balance of body and mind that could contribute to one's spiritual well-being.[1]
From: Amarakoshodghatana of Kshirasvamin (study)
(1) The foundational concepts of Ayurveda that guide the treatment of diseases through balancing the body's constitution and utilizing natural remedies.[2]
The concept of Ayurvedic principle in scientific sources
The Ayurvedic principle encompasses concepts from ancient texts that aid in managing Low Birth Weight, guide product formulations like Septilin Drops, govern the use of medicinal herbs, and support holistic diagnosis and treatment methods in health practices.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) The foundational concepts of Ayurveda that emphasize a holistic approach to health, considering the balance of body, mind, and spirit in promoting overall well-being.[3] (2) Traditional health guidelines based on the Ayurvedic system, emphasizing holistic approaches to health and the environment.[4] (3) Traditional health principles from Ayurveda that can be applied to manage various injuries and promote healing.[5] (4) The foundational concepts of Ayurveda that advocate a holistic approach to health and wellness, focusing on preventive care and treatment using natural remedies.[6] (5) Guidelines derived from Ayurveda for managing health conditions, including dietary and lifestyle modifications.[7]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Foundational concepts of Ayurveda that guide diagnosis and treatment approaches, particularly in the context of managing PCOS.[8] (2) Fundamental concepts and philosophies of Ayurveda that guide the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses through natural and holistic methods.[9] (3) The foundational concepts and rules in Ayurveda that guide the understanding and integration of medicinal properties into treatment.[10] (4) The foundational concepts of Ayurveda that focus on maintaining health through natural remedies and holistic treatments, particularly relevant for liver health in this review.[11] (5) The foundational beliefs and practices of Ayurveda, including the concepts of Agni, Dosha, Dhatu, and Mala, which guide health and wellness.[12]
From: Ayushdhara journal
(1) Fundamental concepts and practices of Ayurveda aimed at promoting holistic health, connecting body, mind, and spirit through natural remedies and lifestyle practices.[13] (2) The foundational theories in Ayurveda that guide the diagnosis and treatment of diseases based on the balance of doshas, dhatus, and malas.[14] (3) The foundational beliefs and practices of Ayurveda that emphasize balance in physical, biological, social, and spiritual health.[15] (4) Fundamental concepts of health and wellness outlined in Ayurveda, focusing on a holistic approach to life, health, and disease prevention.[16] (5) Traditional guidelines in Ayurveda that emphasize diet and lifestyle for health maintenance and disease prevention.[17]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) Ayurvedic principles are foundational concepts guiding health practices in Ayurveda, emphasizing balance and harmony within the body.[18] (2) Fundamental concepts underlying Ayurvedic medicine, focusing on balance in the body, natural treatments, and holistic care.[19] (3) Fundamental concepts in Ayurveda that guide the diagnosis and treatment of individuals based on their unique constitution and other factors.[20] (4) Guidelines and philosophies of Ayurveda that dictate health practices and dietary recommendations.[21] (5) The foundational concepts of Ayurveda, which include understanding the balance of doshas, dhatus, and srotas, used in managing diseases like hypothyroidism.[22]
From: AYU (Journal of Research in Ayurveda)
(1) Traditional guidelines from the Ayurvedic system, which underpin the formulation and therapeutic approach of the COROPROTECT kit.[23] (2) Traditional Indian medical guidelines used in the formulation of drugs like Pepgard tablet, focusing on holistic health.[24] (3) Ayurvedic principles refer to the traditional system of medicine from India that emphasizes balance in bodily systems based on the interactions of the body's three energies or doshas.[25] (4) The fundamental concepts and practices of Ayurveda, which include the significance of Agni (digestive fire), balance of Doshas, and holistic treatment approaches.[26] (5) Natural and holistic approaches used in Ayurveda to treat health issues, including the treatment of insomnia.[27]
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
(1) The foundational concepts of Ayurveda that guide treatment methods and clinical practices, used by Vaidyan Raman Menon in his works.[28] (2) Fundamental tenets of Ayurvedic medicine which guide diagnosis and treatment, emphasizing balance, natural remedies, and individual constitution.[29] (3) Core tenets and philosophies that guide Ayurvedic practice, focusing on holistic health and well-being.[30] (4) The foundational beliefs and practices that guide Ayurvedic medicine, including the understanding of health, disease, and treatment.[31] (5) Traditional concepts and practices in Ayurveda focused on holistic and natural approaches to health care.[32]
From: Ancient Science of Life
(1) The foundational concepts in Ayurveda focused on preserving health, promoting physical and mental wellbeing, and preventing diseases.[33] (2) Ayurveda declares the healthy use of drugs, diet, and practices, which is contrary to the modern understanding of the cause of diseases.[34] (3) The foundational concepts of Ayurveda that explain health and wellness through balance in the body and the use of natural substances.[35] (4) The foundational concepts found in Ayurveda, a traditional Indian system of medicine focusing on balancing bodily systems through diet, herbal treatment, and lifestyle adjustments.[36] (5) Fundamental concepts that guide the understanding and application of Ayurveda, particularly related to health and healing.[37]