Significance of Assembly

Assembly in various religious and cultural contexts represents a gathering of individuals for significant purposes. In Jainism, Tibetan Buddhism, Vaishnavism, and other traditions, assemblies serve as important venues for rituals, discussions, and community interactions. They can be sites for performances, discussions on spiritual matters, or decisions impacting governance within historical frameworks, such as the legislative body in India. Overall, assembly highlights communal learning, shared reverence, and the social context of various interactions across traditions.1
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Synonyms: Gathering, Meeting, Congregation, Convention, Group, Conclave., Council, Convocation, Symposium

In Dutch: Montage; In German: Montage; In Finnish: Kokoonpano; In Spanish: Asamblea

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Assembly'

Hindu concept of 'Assembly'

Jain concept of 'Assembly'

The concept of Assembly in local and regional sources

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