Significance of Argument

Argument, according to various philosophical traditions, encompasses different meanings. In Jainism, it is the reasoning used by the Blessed One to convert Shabdalaputra. In Tibetan Buddhism, it refers to the rationale clarifying that beginninglessness does not alone dictate the reliability of beliefs. In Vaishnavism, it involves points made to persuade or refute during debates. Lastly, in Purana, Argument signifies the mind's abstraction from the external, focusing on intellectual matters. Each tradition emphasizes the role of Argument in understanding and discourse.1
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Synonyms: Disagreement, Dispute, Debate, Contention, Reasoning, Discussion, Assertion, Quarrel, Altercation, Conflict, Confrontation

In Dutch: Argument; In German: Argument; In Finnish: Argumentti; In Spanish: Argumento

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Argument'

Hindu concept of 'Argument'

Jain concept of 'Argument'

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