Significance of Apprehension

Apprehension, in various philosophical and spiritual contexts, encompasses a range of meanings related to mental understanding and emotional states. In Tibetan Buddhism, it primarily refers to the cognitive process of perceiving or understanding without certainty, which can lead to doubt. In Vaishnavism, it conveys feelings of anxiety or fear, described as 'shanka'. The Purana context highlights the emotional turmoil of Draupadi, while Mahayana emphasizes the human experience of suffering as a distinguishing factor from enlightened beings. Kavyashastra again points to 'shanka' as anxiety about the future.

Synonyms: Anxiety, Worry, Dread, Fear, Trepidation, Concern, Nervousness

In Dutch: Gevangenname; In German: Befürchtung; In Finnish: Pelko; In Spanish: Aprensión

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Apprehension'

Hindu concept of 'Apprehension'

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