Significance of Appearance

The concept of Appearance varies across different disciplines. In Vaishnavism, it signifies significant visibility and is linked to pastimes. Purana describes it as a quality evident to the senses, while Dharmashastra associates it with the outward presentation that may compromise discretion. Rasashastra examines the visual characteristics of substances, and Mahayana views it as sensory perceptions that can mislead reality. Kavyashastra connects Appearance to the expression of emotions in poetry, whereas Science focuses on the visual attributes such as color and texture of physical substances like cream.1
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Synonyms: Look, Outward appearance, Form, Image

In Dutch: Verschijning; In German: Aussehen; In Finnish: Ulkonäkö; In Spanish: Apariencia

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Appearance'

Hindu concept of 'Appearance'

The concept of Appearance in scientific sources

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