Significance of Antidote

The concept of Antidote varies across different disciplines. In Ayurveda, it refers to remedies that neutralize poison and restore balance to the body. Purana defines it as treatments that counteract deranged Doshas. Mahayana associates it with teachings to alleviate ignorance, while Theravada uses it metaphorically for control over nature. In science, Antidotes are substances that specifically counteract poisons, like fennel and lemon juice for toxins or Cordia obliqua for snake bites, serving as critical therapeutic agents to save lives.

Synonyms: remedy, Cure, Treatment, Solution, Remedy, Antitoxin, Corrective

In Dutch: Tegengif; In German: Gegenmittel; In Finnish: Vastalääke; In Spanish: Antídoto

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Antidote'

Hindu concept of 'Antidote'

The concept of Antidote in scientific sources

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