Significance of Antidote
The concept of Antidote varies across different disciplines. In Ayurveda, it refers to remedies that neutralize poison and restore balance to the body. Purana defines it as treatments that counteract deranged Doshas. Mahayana associates it with teachings to alleviate ignorance, while Theravada uses it metaphorically for control over nature. In science, Antidotes are substances that specifically counteract poisons, like fennel and lemon juice for toxins or Cordia obliqua for snake bites, serving as critical therapeutic agents to save lives.
Synonyms: remedy, Cure, Treatment, Solution, Remedy, Antitoxin, Corrective
In Dutch: Tegengif; In German: Gegenmittel; In Finnish: Vastalääke; In Spanish: Antídoto
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Buddhist concept of 'Antidote'
In Buddhism, "Antidote" symbolizes teachings designed to alleviate ignorance and suffering, represents the control over misconceptions, and embodies remedies that counter misunderstandings in practitioners' minds, ultimately guiding them towards enlightenment.
From: Bodhisattvacharyavatara
(1) Methods or teachings aimed at countering misconceptions or misunderstandings present in practitioners' minds.[1]
From: Maha Prajnaparamita Sastra
(1) A remedy that symbolizes the teachings of the Buddha meant to alleviate ignorance and suffering.[2]
From: Jataka tales [English], Volume 1-6
(1) A substance that the snake-charmer makes the monkey swallow, indicating the manipulation and control he has over the animal.[3]
Hindu concept of 'Antidote'
In Hinduism, "Antidote" signifies remedies that counteract poison's effects and restore health, as well as treatments that balance deranged Doshas, promoting overall wellness and harmony within the body's systems.
From: Charaka Samhita (English translation)
(1) A remedy specifically formulated to counteract the effects of poison and revive the affected individual.[4]
From: Garuda Purana
(1) Substances or treatments that counteract the negative effects of deranged Doshas and restore balance to the body's systems.[5]
The concept of Antidote in scientific sources
Antidote in this context signifies a remedy that counters poison effects, notably Bilwadi Agada for COVID-19 and substances like coconut oil and saline purgatives to mitigate toxicity from Semecarpus anacardium exposure.
From: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
(1) A substance that counteracts poison or toxic effects, highlighting the protective properties found in certain medicinal plants.[6] (2) A remedy that counteracts poisons; in this context, the leaf juice of Cordia obliqua is noted for its effectiveness against snake bites.[7] (3) A therapeutic agent aimed at counteracting the harmful effects of a poison.[8] (4) Substances used to counteract poisons and their effects.[9] (5) An antidote is a substance that counteracts the effects of a poison, potentially saving lives in cases of toxicity.[10]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) Substances or treatments (Prativish) that counteract the effects of specific poisons.[11] (2) A remedy that counteracts the effects of poison; in this context, Bilwadi Agada is considered an antidote for COVID-19.[12] (3) Substances used to counteract toxic effects related to Semecarpus anacardium exposure, such as coconut oil and saline purgatives.[13]