Significance of Anjana Patra
Anjana Patra is defined as both a vessel for storing Anjana medicine and a container selected based on the type of application. It is crafted from materials that align with the properties of Anjana dravya, ensuring the preservation of its medicinal potency. This careful selection of materials is crucial for maintaining the effectiveness of the Anjana medicine, emphasizing the importance of the Anjana Patra in its proper storage and usage.
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The concept of Anjana Patra in scientific sources
Anjana Patra signifies a specialized vessel for storing Anjana medicine, crafted from compatible materials to enhance and preserve the medicinal properties of Anjana dravya, ensuring effective application and longevity of the treatment.
From: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
(1) A vessel used for storing Anjana, made of materials that match the properties of Anjana dravya to preserve its medicinal potency.[1]
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) The vessel or container used for storing Anjana medicine, made from various materials depending on the type of application.[2]