Significance of Animal world

The concept of the animal world is explored across various philosophical traditions. In Jainism, it is seen as a realm focused on the categorization of souls, as discussed by figures like Gangeya and Mahavira. The Purana describes it as the second realm of creation encompassing all animals. Mahayana Buddhism identifies it as one of the six worlds involving non-human sentient beings, while Theravada considers it a lower state of existence where beings are reborn as animals, indicating a diminished consciousness.

Synonyms: Fauna, Animal kingdom, Biodiversity, Biosphere

In Dutch: Dierenwereld; In German: Tierwelt; In Finnish: Eläinten maailma; In Spanish: Mundo animal

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Animal world'

Hindu concept of 'Animal world'

Jain concept of 'Animal world'

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