Significance of Anima
Synonyms: Soul, Spirit, Essence, Psyche, Life force, Inner self
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Anima'
Anima in Hinduism is a significant mystical power among the Siddhis, enabling individuals to become infinitesimal, showcasing mastery over physical form and representing the perfection of minuteness achieved through spiritual practices.
From: Brihad Bhagavatamrita (commentary)
(1) A specific mystic power that allows a person to become infinitesimal or extremely small, one of the siddhis, or spiritual powers.[1] (2) the power of becoming infinitesimally small; one of the mystic perfections that the sages experience in their spiritual state.[2] (3) One of the mystic perfections associated with Prakriti-devi that allows for the power of becoming infinitely small, which Shri Gopa-kumara chose not to accept.[3] (4) A specific type of mystic power, perhaps linked to the ability to become very small or light.[4]
From: Chaitanya Bhagavata
(1) One of the mystic perfections that allows one to become smaller than the smallest.[5] (2) One of the mystic perfections that allows a person to reduce their size to smaller than the smallest.[6]
From: Bhajana-Rahasya
(1) the mystic perfection of being able to become small like a particle.[7]
From: Skanda Purana
(1) A specific spiritual power that represents minuteness, included in the Aishvaryas or spiritual powers that one can attain.[8] (2) A supernatural ability allowing one to reduce themselves to the size of an atom, showcasing spiritual mastery.[9] (3) A Siddhi representing the power of becoming small, part of the Siddhi deities worshipped.[10]
From: Linga Purana
(1) A power attained through the practice of Yoga that represents minuteness, part of the Siddhis acquired.[11] (2) One of the eight Siddhis that represents minuteness.[12]
From: Agni Purana
(1) One of the eight Siddhis or spiritual powers, representing the ability to become extremely small, reflecting mastery over the physical form.[13]
From: Mandukya Upanishad (Gaudapa Karika and Shankara Bhashya)
(1) Anima is one of the eight superhuman powers, specifically denoting the capacity to become as small as an atom.[14]
From: Thirty minor Upanishads
(1) Anima is a specific type of siddhi that grants the yogin the ability to become as small as an atom, manifesting the control over physical forms.[15]