Significance of Altruism

Altruism is a central concept in Vaishnavism, defined as selfless concern for the well-being of others, guiding individuals towards higher aspirations. This trait is cherished in the worship of Vishnu and viewed as a desirable outcome of practicing Karma-Yoga. Additionally, it is recognized in Purana, where it represents an essential ideal. In Kavya, altruism is observed even in nonliving entities influenced by asceticism, while Mahayana emphasizes selflessness in daily life for a purer mindset.

Synonyms: Selflessness, Benevolence, Philanthropy, Compassion, Generosity, Unselfishness, Magnanimity, Charity

In Dutch: Altruïsme; In Finnish: Altruismi; In Spanish: Altruismo

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Buddhist concept of 'Altruism'

Hindu concept of 'Altruism'

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