Significance of All things

In Tibetan Buddhism, "All things" refers to the totality of existence encompassing every entity, object, idea, or event that can be known or comprehended. It illustrates the interconnectedness of all entities, highlighting that variation occurs only in their specific manifestations. This concept is central to understanding perception, knowledge, and the nature of existence, as it reflects the quest for comprehension through concentrated knowledge and meditation. Similarly, other philosophical traditions also explore this broad term, linking it to various aspects of existence and understanding.1
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Synonyms: Everything, All aspects, Everything under the sun, Every object

In Dutch: Alle dingen; In German: Alle Dinge; In Finnish: Kaikki asiat; In Spanish: Todas las cosas

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'All things'

Hindu concept of 'All things'

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