Significance of All at once

The keyphrase "All at once" has distinct meanings in Vaishnavism and Mahayana traditions. In Vaishnavism, it indicates simultaneous reception or Gopa-kumara's capability to traverse multiple planets together. In Mahayana, it describes a simultaneous event, focusing on the collective experience of rishis during an enchanting song. Both interpretations highlight the significance of simultaneous occurrences in their respective spiritual contexts.

Synonyms: Simultaneously, All together, At the same time, Together, In unison

In Dutch: Allemaal tegelijk; In Finnish: Kaikki kerralla; In Spanish: De repente

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'All at once'

Hindu concept of 'All at once'

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