Significance of Aim
Synonyms: Goal, Objective, Purpose, Intention, Aspiration, Plan, Ambition, Desire.
In Dutch: Doel; In Finnish: Tavoite
The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.
Hindu concept of 'Aim'
Aim in Hinduism signifies the ultimate goal of life, emphasizing spiritual realization and enlightenment as the core purpose of one's existence and practices within the faith.
From: Thirty minor Upanishads
(1) The ultimate goal or purpose of life and spiritual practice, often associated with realization or enlightenment.[1]
The concept of Aim in scientific sources
Aim pertains to the objective of the study, focusing on examining the impact of Yogasana on the digestive system, as highlighted by regional sources. This goal guides the research direction and methods employed.
From: International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
(1) The goal of the study to investigate the effect of Yogasana on the digestive system.[2]