Significance of Actuality

Actuality is defined across different perspectives in Indian philosophy. Vyakarana sees Actuality as the state of being real, contrasting it with mere potential. Vedanta emphasizes its importance through meditation, focusing on achieving true realization beyond fanciful thoughts. In the context of Indian history, Actuality represents the real and true state of being, highlighting the common human experience of wish that can obscure understanding and perception. Overall, Actuality signifies the essence of existence and the quest for truth.1
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Synonyms: Reality, Truth, Existence, Veracity

In Finnish: Todellisuus; In Spanish: Realidad; In Dutch: Actualiteit

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Hindu concept of 'Actuality'

The concept of Actuality in local and regional sources

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