Significance of Actual life

In Tibetan Buddhism, Actual life highlights the genuine actions and characteristics of individuals, transcending their caste identity and focusing on their real-world behaviors. This concept emphasizes the importance of individual qualities rather than predetermined social status at birth. Similarly, in Dharmashastra, Actual life pertains to the real-life experiences that shape the understanding of classifications and rules within vyavaharapadas, further emphasizing the significance of lived experiences over caste-based identities.

Synonyms: Real life, Everyday life, True life, Living reality, Reality

In Finnish: Todellinen elämä; In Dutch: Het werkelijke leven; In Spanish: La vida real

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Actual life'

Hindu concept of 'Actual life'

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