Significance of Abundance

Abundance in Hinduism signifies a plentiful supply, represented by the cart related to prosperity and the possession of resources associated with clans. In Vaishnavism, it indicates a large quantity, specifically linked to suffering from karma. Dharmashastra discusses abundance in terms of religious blessings. Mahayana views it as the richness of compassion and spiritual qualities, while Theravada critiques the excessive accumulation of goods by monks. Overall, abundance encompasses various interpretations across different traditions and contexts.1
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Synonyms: Plenty, Wealth, Multitude, Excess, Affluence, Opulence, Bounty

In Dutch: Overvloed; In German: Fülle; In Finnish: Runsaus; In Spanish: Abundancia

The below excerpts are indicatory and do represent direct quotations or translations. It is your responsibility to fact check each reference.

Buddhist concept of 'Abundance'

Hindu concept of 'Abundance'

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