Day by Day (Dharma lectures)
by Stephen L. Klick | 37,321 words
These are the Dharma lectures from the early years of the Buddhist Information ministry. The writing style is not as developed as it would later become but the content is wonderful because it is Dharma. Many of these lectures bring back fond memories of the very early days when we were not quite sure of the direction we would take. We often spent f...
These are the Dharma lectures from the early years of the Buddhist Information ministry. The writing style is not as developed as it would later become but the content is wonderful because it is Dharma. Many of these lectures bring back fond memories of the very early days when we were not quite sure of the direction we would take. We often spent fifteen-hour workdays struggling under a crushing workload but we always had fun.
There was a lot of negativity directed at us in the first few years; some of the phone calls we received were unbelievable unless you were here to experience them yourself. Some people wanted to beat us, some said they wanted to kill us; others called to tell us we were eternally damned in an effort to convert us to various different philosophies.
There were also a lot of warm, wonderful calls and one of them was enough to keep us going until we got the next one. Through it all, good or bad, we hung together and kept practicing the Dharma. I hope you enjoy this book and find it helpful. Keep moving forward in your practice 'day by day' and in just a short time you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.
Bartholomew Klick
Youth Director, Web Master
May 8, 2001
Stephen Klick can be reached at
Bart Klick can be reached at