Visuddhimagga (the pah of purification)

by Ñāṇamoli Bhikkhu | 1956 | 388,207 words | ISBN-10: 9552400236 | ISBN-13: 9789552400236

This page describes The Truth of the Way (magga) of the section The Faculties and Truths (indriya-sacca-niddesa) of Part 3 Understanding (Paññā) of the English translation of the Visuddhimagga (‘the path of purification’) which represents a detailled Buddhist meditation manual, covering all the essential teachings of Buddha as taught in the Pali Tipitaka. It was compiled Buddhaghosa around the 5th Century.

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75. In the description of the way leading to the cessation of suffering eight things are given. Though they have, of course, already been explained as to meaning in the Description of the Aggregates, still we shall deal with them here in order to remain aware of the difference between them when they occur in a single moment [on the occasion of the path].

76. Briefly (see XXII.31 for details), when a meditator is progressing towards the penetration of the four truths, his eye of understanding with Nibbāna as its object eliminates the inherent tendency to ignorance, and that is right view. It has right seeing as its characteristic. Its function is to reveal elements. It is manifested as the abolition of the darkness of ignorance.

77. When he possesses such view, his directing of the mind on to Nibbāna, which [directing] is associated with that [right view], abolishes wrong thinking, and that is right thinking. Its characteristic is right directing of the mind on to [its object]. Its function is to bring about absorption [of the path consciousness in Nibbāna as object]. It is manifested as the abandoning of wrong thinking.

78. And when he sees and thinks thus, his abstinence from wrong speech, which abstinence is associated with that [right view], abolishes bad verbal conduct, [510] and that is called right speech. It has the characteristic of embracing.[1] Its function is to abstain. It is manifested as the abandoning of wrong speech.

79. When he abstains thus, his abstinence from killing living things, which abstinence is associated with that [right view], cuts off wrong action, and that is called right action. It has the characteristic of originating.[2] Its function is to abstain. It is manifested as the abandoning of wrong action.

80. When his right speech and right action are purified, his abstinence from wrong livelihood, which abstinence is associated with that, [right view] cuts off scheming, etc., and that is called right livelihood. It has the characteristic of cleansing.[3] Its function is to bring about the occurrence of a proper livelihood. It is manifested as the abandoning of wrong livelihood.

81. When he is established on that plane of virtue called right speech, right action, and right livelihood, his energy, which is in conformity and associated with that [right view], cuts off idleness, and that is called right effort. It has the characteristic of exerting. Its function is the non-arousing of unprofitable things, and so on. It is manifested as the abandoning of wrong effort.

82. When he exerts himself thus, the non-forgetfulness in his mind, which is associated with that [right view], shakes off wrong mindfulness, and that is called right mindfulness. It has the characteristic of establishing.[4] Its function is not to forget. It is manifested as the abandoning of wrong mindfulness.

83. When his mind is thus guarded by supreme mindfulness, the unification of mind, which is associated with that [right view], abolishes wrong concentration, and that is called right concentration. It has the characteristic of non-distraction. Its function is to concentrate. It is manifested as the abandoning of wrong concentration.

This is the method in the description of the way leading to the cessation of suffering.

This is how the exposition should be understood here as to defining birth and so on.

Footnotes and references:

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“Right speech has as its individual essence the embracing of associated states through affectionateness because it is the opposite of false speech and the other kinds, which, being rough owing to their respective functions of deceiving, etc., do not embrace” (Vism-mhṭ 541).


“Bodily work (kāyika-kriyā) originates (sets up) whatever has to be done. And that originating (setting up) is itself a combining, so the abstinence called right action is said to have originating as its individual essence. Or it is the picking up of associated states which is the causing of them to be originated, on the part of bodily work, like the picking up of a burden” (Vism-mhṭ 541).


“The purification of a living being or of associated states is ‘cleansing’” (Vismmhṭ 541).


Viniddhunana—“shaking off”: not in PED, (but see under dhunāti); cf. II.11.

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