Vinaya Pitaka (4): Parivara

by I. B. Horner | 2014 | 150,781 words | ISBN-13: 9781921842160

The English translation of the Khandhaka: the second book of the Pali Vinaya Pitaka, one of the three major ‘baskets’ of Therevada canonical literature. It analyses the rules from various points of view. The English translation of the Vinaya-pitaka (fourth part, parivara) contains many Pali original words, but transliterated using a system similar...

Go directly to: Footnotes.

As To Graduation (11. Elevens)

  1. Prv.7.11.1 Eleven individuals who, if they have not been ordained, should not be ordained; if they have been ordained, they should be expelled.[1]
  2. Eleven (kinds of) shoes are not allowable.[2]
  3. Eleven (kinds of) bowls are not allowable.[3]
  4. Eleven (kinds of) robes are not allowable.[4]
  5. Eleven “up to the third time”.[5]
  6. Eleven things which are stumbling-blocks (preventing women from becoming) nuns should be asked about.[6]
  7. Eleven (kinds of) robes may be allotted.[7]
  8. Eleven (kinds of) robes may not be assigned.[8]
  9. On the eleventh day at sunrise[9] it is an offence of expiation involving forfeiture.
  10. Eleven (kinds of) “blocks” are allowable.[10]
  11. Eleven (kinds of) buckles are allowable.[11]
  12. Eleven (kinds of) earth are not allowable.[12]
  13. Eleven (kinds of) earth are allowable.[13]
  14. Eleven nullifications of guidance.[14]
  15. Eleven BD.6.228 individuals are not to be greeted.[15]
  16. Eleven “at mosts”.[16]
  17. They asked for eleven boons.[17]
  18. Eleven defects in boundaries.[18]
  19. Eleven perils to be expected for an individual who reviles and abuses.[19]
  20. If the freedom of mind that is loving-kindness[20] is practised, developed, made much of, made a basis, made a vehicle, persisted in, become familiar with and well established eleven advantages[21] are to be expected: one sleeps in comfort, wakes in comfort, dreams no evil dream,[22] is dear to human beings, dear to non-human beings, devatās guard him, fire poison and weapons do not affect him, his mind is easily concentrated, the expression on his face is serene, he does his (karmic) time unconfused, and if he penetrates no higher (to arahantship than the attainment of loving-kindness) he reaches the Brahma-world (on deceasing from this life). If the freedom of mind that is loving-kindness is practised … well established, these eleven advantages are to be expected.

Concluded are the Elevens

Its Summary

Should be expelled, and shoes,
and bowls, and robes,
The third, and should be asked about,
allotting, assigning, /
Vin.5.141 Sunrise, blocks, buckles,
and not allowable, allowable,
Guidance, and also not to be greeted,
“at mosts,” and boons,
And defects in boundaries, reviling, loving-kindness—
The Elevens are done.

Concluded is As to Gradation

BD.6.229 Its summary:

The Units, as well as the Dyads,
and the Triads, Tetrads, Pentads,
Six, seven, eights, and Nonads,
ten, and the Elevens, /
For the welfare of all beings,
by Such a One who made known Dhamma
Were the stainless Gradations taught by the Great Hero. /

Footnotes and references:

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Vin-a.1344 says ten made with gems (Kd.5.8.3) and the wooden shoe (Kd.5.6.4).


E.g. Nuns’ Bi-Pj.7, Nuns’ Bi-Ss.10, Bi-Ss.11, Bi-Ss.12, Bi-Ss.13, Bi-Ss.11, Nuns’ Bi-Pc.36, and Monks’ Bu-Pc.68. See also Vin.5.136 in the Eights.


This appears to refer to the opening sentence of Kd.20.17, though twenty-four things called stumbling-blocks, beginning with these eleven, are, in fact, enumerated there.


Nine are given at Vin.1.297 (Kd.8.20.2). To these Vin-a.1345 adds the bathing cloth (for nuns, see Vin.1.292f., Vin.2.272) and (the nuns’) vest (Nuns’ Bi-Pc.96). In neither passage is allotting mentioned. Cf. Uttaravinicchaya p.282.


Nine of those allotted may not be assigned. Vin-a.1345 adds gaṇṭhikā, “block” see Kd.15.29.3 and buckle, vidha (Kd.15.29.2).


Bu-NP.1, Bu-NP.2, Bu-NP.21, Bu-NP.23, Bu-NP.29, Nuns’ Bi-NP.1, for example.


In the paṭhavīsikkhāpada according to Vin-a.1345. Vin-a.759 on Bu-Pc.10 refers to this as paṭhavīkhaṇasikkhāpada. But no kinds of earth mentioned there are said to be allowable or unallowable; see Vin-a.759 however.


In the paṭhavīsikkhāpada according to Vin-a.1345. Vin-a.759 on Bu-Pc.10 refers to this as paṭhavīkhaṇasikkhāpada. But no kinds of earth mentioned there are said to be allowable or unallowable; see Vin-a.759 however.


Five from a preceptor, six from a teacher, Kd.1.36.1.


Ten occur in the Decads; see Kd.16.6.5. Vin-a.1345 says these are meant together with the agga, and all are to be found in the Senāsanakkhandhaka (Kd.16). Perhaps the agga signifies the bhattagga in the second pentad “not to be greeted”, Vin.5.205.


The paramāni also occur in the Sextets, Septets, Octads, Nonads and Decads. See also the fourteen on Vin.5.146 below.


In addition to the ten boons on Vin.5.139, there is also the boon Mahāpajāpatī asked for, Kd.20.3.1, not granted by the Buddha.


Vin-a.1345 says beginning with “they agreed on too small a boundary” will be handed down in the Kammavagga (see Vin.5.220–223), i.e. at Vin.5.221 in [5] where eleven features are given. See also Kaṅkhāvitaraṇī 4f.


AN.v.317, which Vin-a.1345 refers to as a Buddhavacana, gives these perils.


AN.v.342; also at Ja.ii.61, Mil.198.


Eight are given at AN.iv.150, but are not in the Octets above.


Or, sees no evil (in) a dream.

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