Vinaya Pitaka (3): Khandhaka
by I. B. Horner | 2014 | 386,194 words | ISBN-13: 9781921842160
The English translation of the Khandhaka: the second book of the Pali Vinaya Pitaka, one of the three major ‘baskets’ of Therevada canonical literature. It is a collection of various narratives. The English translation of the Vinaya-pitaka (third part, khandhaka) contains many Pali original words, but transliterated using a system similar to the I...
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Setting aside the Pātimokkha by rule and not by rule
Kd.19.3.2 “Monks, one suspension of the Pātimokkha is not legally valid, one is legally valid; two suspensions of the Pātimokkha are not legally valid, two are legally valid; three… four … five … six … seven … eight … nine … ten suspensions of the Pātimokkha are not legally valid, ten are legally valid.
Kd.19.3.3 “What is the one suspension of the Pātimokkha that is not legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from moral habit, this one suspension of the Pātimokkha is not legally valid.
“What is the one suspension of the Pātimokkha that is legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded BD.5.338 (charge of) falling away from moral habit, this one suspension of the Pātimokkha is legally valid.
“What are the two suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are not legally valid? Vin.2.242 If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from moral habit, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from good habits, these two suspensions of the Pātimokkha are not legally valid.
“What are the two suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from moral habit, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from good habits, these two suspensions of the Pātimokkha are legally valid.
“What are the three suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are not legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from moral habit, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from good habits, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from right views, these three suspensions … are not legally valid.
“What are the three suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from moral habit … from good habits … from right views, these three suspensions … are legally valid.
“What are the four suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are not legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from moral habit … from good habits … from right views, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from a right mode of livelihood, these four suspensions of the Pātimokkha are not legally valid.
“What are the four suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from moral habit, … from good habits … from right views, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from a right mode of livelihood, these four suspensions … are legally valid.
“What are the five suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are BD.5.339 not legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) an offence involving defeat … on an unfounded (charge of) an offence entailing a formal meeting of the Order … on an unfounded (charge of) an offence of expiation … on an unfounded (charge of) an offence which ought to be confessed … on an unfounded (charge of) an offence of wrong-doing, these five suspensions … are not legally valid.
“What are the five suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) an offence involving defeat … on a founded (charge of) an offence of wrong-doing, these five suspensions … are legally valid.
“What are the six suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are not legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from moral habit which has not been done,[1] if one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from moral habit which has been done[2] … on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from good habits which has not been done … which has been done, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from right views which has not been done … which has been done, these six suspensions … are not legally valid.
“What are the six suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from moral habit which has not been done … which has been done … on a founded (charge of) falling away from good habits which has not been done … which has been done, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from right views which has not been done … which has been done, these six suspensions … are legally valid.
“What are the seven suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are not legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) an offence involving defeat … of an offence entailing a formal meeting of the Order … of a grave BD.5.340 offence … of an offence of expiation … of an offence which ought to be confessed … of an offence of wrong-doing, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) an offence of wrong speech, these seven suspensions … are not legally valid.
“What are the seven suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) an offence involving defeat … on a founded (charge of) an offence of wrong speech, these seven suspensions … are legally valid.
“What are the eight suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are not legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from moral habit which has not been done … which has been done … of falling away from good habits which has not been done Vin.2.243 … which has been done … of falling away from right views which has not been done … which has been done, if one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from a right mode of livelihood which has not been done … which has been done, these eight suspensions … are not legally valid.
“What are the eight suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from moral habit which has not been done … which has been done … of falling away from a right mode of livelihood which has not been done … which has been done, these eight suspensions … are legally valid.
“What are the nine suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are not legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from moral habit which has not been done … which has been done … which has been done and not done[3] … on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from good habits which has not been done … which has been done … which has been done and not done … on an unfounded (charge of) falling away from right views which has not been done … which has been done … BD.5.341 which has been done and not done, these nine suspensions … not legally valid.
“What are the nine suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one suspends the Pātimokkha on a founded (charge of) falling away from moral habit which has not been done … which has been done … which has been done and not done … on a founded (charge of) falling from good habits … on a founded (charge of) falling away from right views which has not been done … which has been done … which has been done and not done, these nine suspensions … are legally valid.
“What are the ten suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are not legally valid? If one who is defeated is not sitting in that assembly,[4] if talk on an offence involving defeat is still going forward,[5] if one who has disavowed the training is not sitting in that assembly, if talk on disavowing the training is still going forward, if he submits himself to a legally valid complete assembly,[6] if he does not withdraw his acceptance[7] (of a formal act settled) in a legally valid complete assembly, if talk on withdrawing acceptance (of a formal act settled) in a legally valid complete assembly is still going forward, if he is not seen, heard or suspected of falling away from moral habit, if he is not seen, heard or suspected of falling away from good habits, if he is not seen, heard or suspected of falling away from right views, these ten suspensions of the Pātimokkha are not legally valid.
“What are the ten suspensions of the Pātimokkha that are legally valid? If one who is defeated is sitting in that assembly, if talk on an offence involving defeat is not still going forward … as in above paragraph, but the opposite in each case … if he is seen, heard or suspected of falling away BD.5.342 from right views, these ten suspensions of the Pātimokkha are legally valid.
Footnotes and references:
akata. Vin-a.1288 says the falling away may or may not have been done by that individual.
katākatāya. Vin-a.1288 says “it is so called because (the one who is suspending) has chosen, gahetvā, both: done and not done” (presumably as his grounds for suspending, since falling away may have been done both by the individual whom he is suspending, and by another).
A monk cannot be legally suspended while talk on his case is still in progress.
dhammikaṃ sāmaggiṃ upeti. See Kd.10.5.13; Kd.10.6.2 (atthupeta, vyañjanupeta).
na paccādiyati. Vin-a.1288 says of paccādiyati (in the “legally valid” clause) it means that if he says the formal act should be earned out again, he withdraws his acceptance. But he who opens it up again falls into an offence of expiation. If he desires to find fault with a formal act while it is being carried out, and neither comes nor gives his consent, and protests if he has come, for this reason he falls into an offence of wrong-doing. (Cf. Bu-Pc.80.)