Vinaya Pitaka (3): Khandhaka
by I. B. Horner | 2014 | 386,194 words | ISBN-13: 9781921842160
The English translation of the Khandhaka: the second book of the Pali Vinaya Pitaka, one of the three major ‘baskets’ of Therevada canonical literature. It is a collection of various narratives. The English translation of the Vinaya-pitaka (third part, khandhaka) contains many Pali original words, but transliterated using a system similar to the I...
Fifty on taking, etc.
Kd.7.7.1 A monk, after kaṭhina-cloth has been made, taking with him robe-material, goes away … it should be given in full thus, like the portion on “going away, taking” … A monk, after kaṭhina-cloth is made, taking a robe that is imperfectly executed, goes away … it should be given in full thus, like the portion on “going away, taking with him” … A monk, after kaṭhina-cloth is made, taking with him a robe that is imperfectly executed, goes away …