Vipassana Dipani

The Manual of Insight

by Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw | 1915 | 21,831 words

The Vipassana-Dipani The Manual of Insight Or The Exposition Of Insight Honor to the Buddha By Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw, Aggamahapandita, D.Litt. Translated into English by Sayadaw U Nyana, Patamagyaw of Masoeyein Monastery Mandalay. Edited by The English Editorial Board...

The Four Mahabhutas

Or The Four Great Essentials

Mahabhuta means to develop greatly:

  1. The element of extension is the element of earth; that is the fundamental principle or foundation of matter. It exists in gradations of many kinds, such as, hardness, more hardness, stiffness, more stiffness, softness, more softness, pliability, more pliability, and so on.
  2. The element of cohesion is the element of water, that is, the cohesive power of material qualities whereby they form into mass or bulk or lump. There are apparently many kinds of cohesion.
  3. The element of heat is the element of fire, that is, the power to burn, to inflame, and to mature the material qualities; this maturative quality is of two kinds, namely, the maturative quality of heat and the maturative quality of cold.
  4. The element of motion is the element of wind, that is, the power of supporting or resisting. It is of many kinds, such as supportive, resistive, conveying, vibratory, diffusive, and so on. From these four great Elements all other forms of matter are derived or are born.

Or, expressed in another way: All matter is a combination, in one proportion or another, of these four elementary properties.

The Six Bases

Basis is that where consciousness generates, arises, develops, or that whereupon it depends.

  1. The eye-basis is the element of the sensorium within the eye- ball where consciousness of sight is generated; and the consciousness of sight connotes the power of seeing various kinds of colors, appearances, forms and shapes.
  2. The ear-basis is the element of the sensorium within the organ of the ear where consciousness of sound is generated, and the consciousness of sound connotes the power of hearing various kinds of sound.
  3. The nose-basis is the element of the sensorium within the nose organ where consciousness of smell is generated, and the consciousness of smell connotes the power of smelling different kinds of odors.
  4. The tongue-basis is the element of the sensorium upon the surface of the tongue where consciousness of taste is generated, and the consciousness of taste connotes the power of tasting many kinds such as sweet, sour, and so forth.
  5. The body-basis is the element of the sensorium locating itself by pervading the whole body within and without from head to foot, where consciousness of touch is generated, and the consciousness of touch connotes the power of feeling or sensing physical contacts.
  6. The heart-basis a kind of very fine, bright, subtle matter within the organ of heart where mind consciousness, comprising sixty- nine classes of the same in number is generated.

From these six bases all classes of consciousness are generated and arise.

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