Vipassana Dipani

The Manual of Insight

by Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw | 1915 | 21,831 words

The Vipassana-Dipani The Manual of Insight Or The Exposition Of Insight Honor to the Buddha By Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw, Aggamahapandita, D.Litt. Translated into English by Sayadaw U Nyana, Patamagyaw of Masoeyein Monastery Mandalay. Edited by The English Editorial Board...

Fifty-four Kinds Of Mental Phenomena

There are 54 kinds of mental phenomena.

  • Citta: mind or consciousness;
  • Cetasika: mental properties or concomitants, fifty-two in number and
  • Nibbána: Getting out of the circle of existences;

(Nibbána is here reckoned as a mental phenomenon, not from the subjective, but from the objective point of view.)

  • Citta means the faculty of investigating an object (aramana) or the faculty of taking possession of an object, or the faculty of knowing an object, or the faculty of being conscious of an object.
  • Cetasikas are characters of consciousness, or mental properties born of mind, or concomitants of mind.
  • Nibbána means freedom from every kind of infelicity.
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