Vimalakirti Sutra
by John R. McRae | 44,185 words
The Vimalakirti Nirdesha Sutra is a Mahayana Sutra that teaches the meaning of non-duality. It contains a report of a teaching addressed to both Arhats and Bodhisattvas by the layman Vimalakirti, who expounds the doctrine of Shunyata, or emptiness, to them. According to Burton Watson, the Vimalakīrti Sūtra probably originated in India in approxima...
Publisher’s Foreword
The Publication Committee shares with the Editorial Committee the responsi- bility of realizing the vision of Dr. Yehan Numata, founder of Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai, the Society for the Promotion of Buddhism. This vision is no less than to make the Buddha’s teaching better known throughout the world, through the translation and publication in English of the entire collection of Buddhist texts compiled in the Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō, published in Tokyo in the early part of the twentieth century. This huge task is expected to be carried out by several generations of translators and may take as long as a hundred years to complete. Ultimately, the entire canon will be available to anyone who can read English and who wishes to learn more about the teaching of the Buddha.
The present generation of staff members of the Publication Committee includes Marianne Dresser; Brian Nagata, president of the Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, Berkeley, California; Eisho Nasu; and Reverend Kiyoshi Yamashita. The Publication Committee is headquartered at the Numata Center and, working in close cooperation with the Editorial Commit- tee, is responsible for the usual tasks associated with preparing translations for publication.
In October 1999, I became the third chairperson of the Publication Com- mittee, on the retirement of its very capable former chair, Dr. Kenneth K. Inada. The Committee is devoted to the advancement of the Buddha’s teaching through the publication of excellent translations of the thousands of texts that make up the Buddhist canon.
Francis H. Cook
Publication Committee