The Indian Buddhist Iconography

by Benoytosh Bhattachacharyya | 1958 | 51,392 words | ISBN-10: 8173053138 | ISBN-13: 9788173053139

This page contains an iconography image of Emanations of Akshobhya: Vajracarcika and represents figure 143 of the book Indian Buddhist Iconography, based on extracts of the Sadhanamala English translation. These plates and illustrations represent either photographs of sculptures or line-drawing reproductions of paintings or other representations of Buddhist artwork.

Figure 143 - Emanations of Akṣobhya: Vajracarcikā

Figure 143: Vajracarcikā

Āsana: dancing in Ardhaparyaṅka;
Arms: six;
Colour: red;
Distinctive feature: emaciated body;
Vāhana: corpse;
Appearance: terrible.

Only one Sādhana in the Sādhanamālā describes the form of Vajracarcikā. The accompanying sketch, (Fig. 143) gives a vivid idea of her terrible form, with the skeleton of her fleshless body showing through the skin in all its nakedness, and her vulture-like claws enhancing the fierceness of her appearance. A statuette of this goddess is found in China.

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