The Great Chronicle of Buddhas

by Ven. Mingun Sayadaw | 1990 | 1,044,401 words

This page describes Sakka’s Questions and the Buddha’s Answers (prologue) contained within the book called the Great Chronicle of Buddhas (maha-buddha-vamsa), a large compilation of stories revolving around the Buddhas and Buddhist disciples. This page is part of the series known as how the Āṭānāṭiya Paritta came to be Taught. This great chronicle of Buddhas was compiled by Ven. Mingun Sayadaw who had a thorough understanding of the thousands and thousands of Buddhist teachings (suttas).

Sakka’s Questions and the Buddha’s Answers (prologue)

The Buddha had known the virtue of Sakka since the latter’s previous existence as Magha, the young man of Macala village. That was why He bethought Himself: “Whatever question Sakka might like to ask, it will be of benefit to him; he is not going to ask unbeneficial questions. If I answer his questions, he will understand readily.”

Then the Buddha replied to Sakka in verse:

Puccha vāsava maṃ pañhaṃ yam kiñci manasicchasi.
Tassa tasseva pañhassa ahaṃ antaiṇ koromi te.

Vāsava, Lord of Devas, whatever question you may like to ask, put it to Me. I, the Teacher of the three worlds, will clear any doubts and uncertainties concerning your questions.

Thus obtaining the Buddha’s expressed consent, Sakka spoke in verse his (first) question thus:

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