The Great Chariot
by Longchenpa | 268,580 words
A Commentary on Great Perfection: The Nature of Mind, Easer of Weariness In Sanskrit the title is ‘Mahāsandhi-cittā-visranta-vṛtti-mahāratha-nāma’. In Tibetan ‘rDzogs pa chen po sems nyid ngal gso’i shing rta chen po shes bya ba ’...
Part 1 - The brief teaching
What are these three limbs? they are like this:
The first is the procedure for one who wants to achieve it.
The second is the means of how we ought to practice.
The third is non-duality, the essence of the practice.
All true samadhi is established by these three:
- The individual by whom it is established
- The skilful means for establishing it
- The essence that is established.