The Great Chariot
by Longchenpa | 268,580 words
A Commentary on Great Perfection: The Nature of Mind, Easer of Weariness In Sanskrit the title is ‘Mahāsandhi-cittā-visranta-vṛtti-mahāratha-nāma’. In Tibetan ‘rDzogs pa chen po sems nyid ngal gso’i shing rta chen po shes bya ba ’...
Part 5 - Mind as instantaneous
Thus from the very time of emanation:
The instantaneous objects of conceptual mind
Are assertions and denials of mere recalled cognition.
No inner and outer exist from the time that objects appear.
What is sought is produced by the seeker, it is taught.
So if we seek ourselves, we never will be found.
Whatever conceptions of mind have arisen, if they are searched for, they will not be found, since they are the seeker. However, by looking for ourselves, we will not find that either, since it is non- dual. If examined, “ourselves” are non-existent. Thus all conceptions are completely pacified. The All-Creating King says:
Intrinsically existing, motionless self-existence,
Naturally existing, unmade by anyone;
This uncreated existence of suchness as it is,
Is taught to be supreme, the uncreated action.
By looking at one as two, our meditation errs.
A single nature cannot be established as two.