Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
by Ganganatha Jha | 1937 | 699,812 words | ISBN-10: 8120800583 | ISBN-13: 9788120800588
This page contains verse 3185 of the 8th-century Tattvasangraha (English translation) by Shantarakshita, including the commentary (Panjika) by Kamalashila: dealing with Indian philosophy from a Buddhist and non-Buddhist perspective. The Tattvasangraha (Tattvasamgraha) consists of 3646 Sanskrit verses; this is verse 3185.
Verse 3185
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation by Ganganath Jha:
सर्वज्ञत्वं च बुद्धादेर्या च वेदस्य नित्यता ।
तुल्ये जल्पन्ति ये तेभ्यो विशेषः कथ्यतेऽधुना ॥ ३१८५ ॥sarvajñatvaṃ ca buddhāderyā ca vedasya nityatā |
“For the benefit of those people who declare (1) the omniscience of Buddha and others, and (2) the eternality of the Veda, as standing on the same footing,—the point wherein the latter differs from the former is now going to be pointed out.”—(3185)
tulye jalpanti ye tebhyo viśeṣaḥ kathyate'dhunā || 3185 ||
Kamalaśīla’s commentary (tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā):
Now the Vedic Scholar proceeds—(1) to refute the objection that “the Reason, in the shape of being amenable to non-apprehension, is inadmissible”,—(2) to prove the non-existence of the omniscient Person,—and (3) to prove that the case of the Veda is different;—[see verse 3185 above]
‘Declare as standing on the same footing.’—Some people hold the opinion that—“Both—Buddha, etc. and the Veda—are equal sources of right knowledge, hence the knowledge of supersensuous things can be obtained from the words of Omniscient Persons, as also from the Veda”.—To these people it is now pointed out wherein the ease of the Veda differs from that of the said Persons.—(3185)