Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
by Ganganatha Jha | 1937 | 699,812 words | ISBN-10: 8120800583 | ISBN-13: 9788120800588
This page contains verse 2689-2690 of the 8th-century Tattvasangraha (English translation) by Shantarakshita, including the commentary (Panjika) by Kamalashila: dealing with Indian philosophy from a Buddhist and non-Buddhist perspective. The Tattvasangraha (Tattvasamgraha) consists of 3646 Sanskrit verses; this is verse 2689-2690.
Verse 2689-2690
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation by Ganganath Jha:
अन्यच्च जातयो भिन्नाः शब्दाभिव्यक्तिहेतवः ।
यावद्वर्णं प्रवर्तन्ते व्यक्तयो वा तदन्विताः ॥ २६८९ ॥
इति व्यञ्जकसद्भावान्नित्यं शब्दोपलम्भनम् ।
अतो व्यक्तिक्रमात्माऽपि युक्तो वर्णक्रमो न ते ॥ २६९० ॥anyacca jātayo bhinnāḥ śabdābhivyaktihetavaḥ |
yāvadvarṇaṃ pravartante vyaktayo vā tadanvitāḥ || 2689 ||
iti vyañjakasadbhāvānnityaṃ śabdopalambhanam |
ato vyaktikramātmā'pi yukto varṇakramo na te || 2690 ||There is another point: granting that ‘there are universals which serve to manifest the sounds, and there are as many of these as there are letters’;—under this view, as the manifester would be always there, the sound should be heard at all times. Consequently, the order of sequence among the letter-sounds cannot be in accordance with the order of the manifestations.—(2689-2690)
Kamalaśīla’s commentary (tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā):
The several particles used here are to be taken as serving the purpose of introduction.
‘Iti’—for this reason.
The meaning thus comes to be this:—As Universals are the manifested of the Word-Sound, there should be apprehension of the Sounds at all times. And as there is no order of sequence among the manifestations...
[The passage is corrupt and full of lacunE; hence unintelligible].—(2689-2690)