Tattvasangraha [with commentary]
by Ganganatha Jha | 1937 | 699,812 words | ISBN-10: 8120800583 | ISBN-13: 9788120800588
This page contains verse 1308 of the 8th-century Tattvasangraha (English translation) by Shantarakshita, including the commentary (Panjika) by Kamalashila: dealing with Indian philosophy from a Buddhist and non-Buddhist perspective. The Tattvasangraha (Tattvasamgraha) consists of 3646 Sanskrit verses; this is verse 1308.
Verse 1308
Sanskrit text, Unicode transliteration and English translation by Ganganath Jha:
तदत्र न विरोधोऽस्ति विकल्पेन सहानयोः ।
नचापि विषयो भिन्नस्तदर्थाध्यवसायतः ॥ १३०८ ॥tadatra na virodho'sti vikalpena sahānayoḥ |
nacāpi viṣayo bhinnastadarthādhyavasāyataḥ || 1308 ||There is no incompatibility between the conceptual content and the said reasons; nor is there difference in their objects; as the object apprehended by the one is the same as that apprehended by the other.—(1308)
Kamalaśīla’s commentary (tattvasaṃgrahapañjikā):
Both the Reasons adduced (in the preceding Text) are ‘Inconclusive’; as no incompatibility has been indicated between the Reasons and the contrary of the conclusion sought to be proved by them.
‘Anayoḥ’—of the two Reasons.
‘Nor is there difference, etc. etc.’;—that is to say, even though the Conceptual Content is objective (has an object), yet the assertion that ‘their objects are different’ is ‘inadmissible’.—(1308)