Patthana Dhamma
by Htoo Naing | 2005 | 57,704 words
This ebook is about Patthana Dhamma, the 7th text of abhidhamma pitaka or tipitaka, reffering to the teachings of The Buddha, also known as: the Exalted One, Fully Enlightened One, Tathagata, Well Gone One; 623 BC. The materials are from a small booklet of Chatthasangayanamula Patthana Pali and Abhidhammatthasangaha text written by Venerable Anur...
Chapter 21 - Jhāna paccayo (or jhāna condition or absorption condition)
Jhāna paccayoti
jhānangāni jhāna sampayuttakānam dhammānam tam samutthānānanca rūpānam jhāna paccayena paccayo.
Jhānangāni means jhānanga or jhāna anga or limbs of jhāna or jhāna factors. Here jhāna factors or jhānangas serve as jhāna paccaya or jhāna condition for their associated nāma dhamma and co arising cittja rūpas or consciousness born rūpa.
There are 5 jhānanga or 5 jhāna factors and they all are nāma dhamma and they are cetasika dhamma. These 5 jhāna factors are
- vitakka or initial application
- vicāra or sustained application
- pīti or rapture
- sukha or sukha vedana
- ekaggatā or one pointedness
These are conditioning dhamma as jhāna paccaya. Their conditioned dhamma or the dhamma that are conditioned by these 5 jhāna factors are jhāna cittas and their associated 35 cetasikas to the most and co arising
cittaja rūpa or jhāna consciousness born rūpa like kāya vinatti rūpa of iriya or posture.
Any posture can be maintained by these jhānangas or jhāna factors as jhāna paccaya or jhāna condition. So a being in jhāna can sit or stand or lie for a long time as long as that being is in jhāna. This is how nāma dhamma jhāna factors condition nāma dhamma and rūpa dhamma with jhāna paccaya or jhāna condition.