Mulamadhyamaka-karika (English)
by Stephen Batchelor | 44,903 words
The Mulamadhyamaka-karika ("Fundamental Verses on the Middle Way") is a key text of the Madhyamaka-school, written by Nagarjuna, one of the most important Buddhist philosophers. The Mulamadhyamakakarika is not only a grand commentary on the Buddha's discourse to Kaccayana, the only discourse cited by name, but also a detailed and careful ...
Chapter 9 - Investigation of the Presence of Something Prior
(already) - (nyid du)
1. lta dang nyan la sogs pa dang/
tshor sogs dang yang dbang byas pa/
gang gi yin pa de dag gi/
snga rol de yod kha cig smra//
1. Some say that whatever is involved in seeing, hearing, and feeling etc. exists prior to them.
2. dngos po yod pa ma yin na/
lta ba la sogs ji ltar 'gyur/
de phyir de dag snga rol na/
dngos po gnas pa de yod do//
2. If [that] thing is not evident, how can there be seeing etc? Therefore, the presence [of that] thing [must] exist before them.
3. lta dang nyan la sogs pa dang/
tshor ba la sogs nyid kyi ni/
snga rol dngos po gang gnas pa/
de ni gang gis gdags par bya//
3. What configures / makes known that thing which is present before seeing, hearing, and feeling, etc.?
4. lta ba la sogs med par yang/
gal te de ni gnas gyur na/
de med par yang [[de dag ni/
yod par 'gyur bar the tshom med//
4. If it were present even without seeing, etc., there would be no doubt that they would exist even without it.
5. ci yis gang zhig gsal bar byed/
gang gis ci zhig gsal bar byed/
ci med gang zhig ga la yod/
gang med ci zhig ga la yod//
5. It is illuminated by them; they are illuminated by it. How could it exist without them? How could they exist without it?
6. lta la sogs pa thams cad kyi/
snga rol gang zhig yod pa min/
lta sogs nang nas gzhan zhig gis/
gzhan gyi tshe na gsal bar byed//
6. It is not evident prior to the totality of seeing etc. From among seeing etc. a different one illuminates [it] at different times.
7. lta la sogs pa thams cad kyi/
snga rol gal te yod min na/
lta la sogs pa re re yi/
snga rol de ni ji ltar yod//
7. If it is not evident prior to the totality of seeing etc., how can it be evident prior to [each of them] seeing etc. individually?
8. lta po de nyid nyan po de/
gal te tshor po'ang de nyid na/
re re'i snga rol yod gyur na/
de ni de ltar mi rigs so//
8. If the seer itself [were] the hearer and the feeler [were] it too, if it existed prior to each, in that way it would not make sense.
9. gal te lta po gzhan nyid la/
nyan pa po gzhan tshor gzhan na/
lta po yod tshe nyan por* 'gyur/
bdag kyang mang po nyid du 'gyur//
[Ts. po*; Lha. por*]
9. If the seer were different, the hearer different, the feeler different, at the time the seer exists, there would be a hearer. Many selves would come about.
10. lta dang nyan la sogs pa dang/
tshor ba dag la sogs pa dang*/
gang las 'gyur ba'i 'byung de la'ang/
de ni yod pa ma yin no//
[Ts. & Lha. yang*]
10. Also it is not evident in the elements from which seeing and hearing etc. and feeling etc. occur.
11. lta dang nyan la sogs pa dang/
tshor ba dag la sogs pa yang/
gang gi yin pa gal te med/
de dag kyang ni yod ma yin//
11. If that to which seeing and hearing etc. and feeling etc. belong is not evident, they too could not be evident.
12. gang zhig lta la sogs pa yi/
snga rol da lta phyi na med/
de la yod do med do zhes/
rtog pa dag ni ldog par 'gyur//
12. Reject the concepts "it exists," "it doesn't exist" about that which is not evident prior to, now or after seeing etc.
snga rol na gnas pa brtag pa zhes bya ba ste rab tu byed pa dgu pa'o//