Mahavastu [sanskrit verse and prose]

177,961 words | ISBN-10: 8120804813 | ISBN-13: 9788120804814

The Sanskrit edition of the Mahavastu: a lengthy work on Buddhist teachings and narratives belonging to the school of early Buddhism (Mahasanghika). This edition includes the verses as well as the prose sections. Original title: Mahāvastu-avādana (महावस्तु-अवादन), Mahāvastvavādana (महावस्त्ववादन, mahavastvavadana).

Section 2.211

pāyeti // evaṃ so śyāmako ṛṣikumāro tahiṃ āśramapade tehi mṛgapotakehi pakṣīhi ca sārdhaṃ saṃvardhati // yato yataḥ mṛgapotakā ca pakṣī ca aṇvanti tatra tatra śyāmako ṛṣikumāro tehi mṛgapakṣīhi parivārito aṇvati / te pi mṛgapakṣī ṛṣikumāreṇa sārdhaṃ abhiramanti // yaṃ velaṃ ṛṣikumāro uṭaje śayito bhavati tataḥ anekamṛgapotakā ca pakṣī ca nānāprakārā uṭajasya dvāramūlam anvāsanti yāvat* śyāmako ṛṣikumāro tato uṭajāto nirdhāvito bhavati / tataḥ āśramapadasya parisāmanta aṇvanti // śyāmako tehi mṛgapakṣīhi sārdhaṃ āśramapade abhiramati mṛgapakṣī pi tena śyāmakena sārdhaṃ tahiṃ āśramapade abhiramanti // śayitasyāpi ṛṣikumārasya āśramapade mṛgapotakā ca mṛgā ca pakṣī ca anuparivāritvā āsanti / yadā aṇvitukāmā bhavanti mṛgapotakā ca pakṣī ca tato taṃ śyāmakaṃ ṛṣikumāraṃ mukhatuṇḍakena pratibodhayanti // evaṃ so ṛṣikumāro tehi mṛgapakṣīhi sārdhaṃ āśramapade saṃvardhati // yaṃ velaṃ ṛṣikumāro vivṛddho saṃvṛtto tataḥ mṛgāṇām ajinena nivasto ca prāvṛto ca // tatra āśramapade bhavati mūlavikṛtir phalavikṛtir kodravo śyāmako cinnako priyaṃgur bhaṃgaṃ prāsādiko śākaṃ mūlakā tam ānayitvā mātāpitṝṇāṃ upanāmeti / udakam āneti kāṣṭhani āneti tṛṇakuṭiparṇakuṭīni saṃsthāpeti / tam āśramapadaṃ siṃcati saṃmārjati // paramagauraveṇa teṣāṃ mātāpitṝṇām upasthihati / prathamaṃ mātāpitaraṃ praticarati paścāt* svayaṃ āhāraṃ karoti / yata upādāya ṛṣikumāro vijñaprāpto tataḥ upādāya na kadācid adattvā

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